Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas is my favorite time of year; the trees, lights, music, snow, and movies.  This year is a little different since my parents moved away and it's Mike's and my first Christmas living together.  My Christmas spirit has been lacking this year, mostly because of my mom not being here this year, so I've been trying very hard to give it the push it needs to really enjoy the holidays this year.  

While baking, decorating and wrapping presents are always sure-fire ways to submerse myself into the Holiday ho-ho-ho's, nothing tends to get me in the spirit more than watching Christmas movies!  It's the only time I watch a movie, outside of a movie theater, where I just sit back and watch.  I don't go on Pinterest, Facebook, Yahoo, MSN, or do anything else while I watch, I simply sit there and enjoy. 

I thought I would share with you my favorite Christmas movies that always have at least one, if not two showings in our living room!


Laugh if you will, but this movie is one of the funniest and sweetest Christmas movies ever!  Mix the wacky comedy of Vince Vaugh, the star power of Kevin Spacey and Paul Giamatti and a great score and you've got a hit!  My favorite part?  When everyone gathers around the big globe to watch the children open presents on Christmas morning, tears well up every time I watch it.


I don't think a Christmas movie list is complete without this addition.  I sincerely don't understand how this movie was considered a failure when it first came out!  I have a small bell with angel wings on the tree with the quote "Every time a bell rings, a faithful angel gets his wings."  Who doesn't love hearing the twinkling of a bell during the holidays?  My favorite part of this epic classic?  When George Bailey is talking about lassoing the moon for his sweetheart. 


This is such a sweet and understated movie and the fact that it is one of my favorites is saying something because I usually don't care for Cameron Diaz or Jack Black...and Jude Law is often in really strange roles ("A.I. Artificial Intelligence" anyone???).  But the stories in this movie are so sweet and the characters so real and sincere.  Okay, so it's not the most Christmas-driven story ever, but it has the holiday spirit at heart, and thus makes it one of my favorites!  My favorite part?  When Jack Black's characters asks if Kate Winslet's characters has plans for New Years, so sweet!


And my absolute favorite holiday movie ever..."Love Actually."  This movie has so much going for it, I can't get enough of it!  It has so many elements that it feels as though it is several different movies in one!  It's witty, sincere, hilarious, a little blue, sad, and realistic.  And the cast is what I would imagine any film maker would call a "dream" cast.  There are too many favorite moments to put down, but a couple are, when Hugh Grants dances down the staircase, when Keira Knightley's new husband's best friend stands outside of her door, silently admitting his feelings, when Colin Farrel and his housekeeper are having their multiple bilingual conversations....Argh, there's too many to choose from!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!


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